Conversation-Based English Lessons:


Conversation-Based English Lessons offered by OOS – Natural English Services are online English lessons that have no official structured practice worked into the lesson. Using natural techniques of language acquisition, we aim to create an all-English environment where you can develop your ability to speak in English in a similar manner that you learned your first language as a baby.


By avoiding memorization, drills, lecturing, and over-emphasis on the learning of grammar rules, we create a need for you to express yourself through conversation and communication with the instructor. When you reach a point in the lesson where your language is insufficient to communicate or express what you need to say, this will naturally leave you open to absorbing new language structures in a similar manner as a baby learns its first language. 


Since the emphasis is on communication, the lessons will be topic-based. The topics of conversation can be chosen by the instructor or student or both. We employ an unlimited number of topics that you can choose to set the general theme of the lesson each time.


The difference between this and a free-conversation lesson is that we will correct your mistakes (to the degree that you choose) and will employ language techniques as necessary to help you communicate to the best possible level on the topic at that moment. We believe this balance to be the most beneficial in general for students wishing to learn a new language.


Levels:                              Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Fluent

Class Size:                         1 -> 4 (Contact us for inquiries if you would like a larger group lesson)

Lesson Material:             Conversation-based

Lesson Structure:           No set structure, but we may incorporate structured practice into the lesson when the need arises to teach a point.


Level of Correction:  

You set the amount of correction the teacher will make with you in the lesson.


Choose from no correction, a little correction, moderate correction, heavy correction or to correct everything. 


**NOTE: if you select “no correction” then this lesson becomes a free-conversation lesson.  In a no-correction lesson, corrections are done subtly by example which encourages the student to self-correct and be alert to their own mistakes.**



At this time, we are exclusively offering convenient online lessons which require a webcam, microphone, and stable internet connection. In the future, we may offer in-person, face-to-face, or in-house lessons.


Online lessons offer great convenience and flexibility and save both time and money for all parties involved. Online language lessons are a new phenomenon whose effectivity and teaching structure continue to rapidly evolve.  See how well online lessons can conveniently snap into your lifestyle and give you a lot of extra time to do other things you need to do.


These lessons will be conducted via Skype, Zoom, or other such online video meeting systems. You are free to choose which one works best for you.