Spiritual Coach Consultations and Training Online

Looking for a spiritual coach or spiritual mentor that can help guide you step-by-step on a path of natural spiritual development? We offer convenient online consultation guidance and training sessions, where we can address all of your questions and doubts, and help you lay down a framework of development and practice that works best for you. You need not belong to any specific spiritual group, religion or hold any particular belief. You need only have a genuine desire to improve yourself and cultivate a life of natural spirituality in our busy modern world.

We work with principles of organic natural spiritual development that does not have any specific dogma, rules or system of belief, but relies mainly on the honest truth present in the cycles of nature. We employ time tested, ancient tools of self-development and transformation, which allows each individual to uncover the blossoming truth of their own existence, in their own time, at their own pace, on their own chosen path up the mountain of self-mastery and conscious living.

No matter your caste, color, creed, religious belief, life background, or current life situation, aligning one’s life with the wholeness of nature brings life-balance, inner growth, and true fulfillment. These classes are open to everyone, and we encourage each individual to keep any practice they already have, or any beliefs they feel serves their life well.

Have any question or ready to start? Contact us to request a free initial trial session with your spiritual coach. See if you feel we are the right ones to assist you to find balance on your chosen life path.

(General Life Balance)

*Life-balance                                      *Relationship Harmony                      *Work-Life Harmony

*Health Maintenance                          *Psychological Stability                     *Dietary Balance

*Conscious Living                                 *Natural Lifestyle                             *Self-Care

*Self-Massage                                      *Tonic Herbs                                       *Acupressure

*Nature Connection                             *…and more


(Self-Cultivation and Inner Development)

*Spiritual-Development                     *How to Use Crystals                         *Crystal Alchemy

*Gemstones and Crystals for Healing                                                            *Daily Crystal Practice

*Meditation and Spirituality             *Movement Arts                                 *Chi Cultivation

*Breathing Consciously                      *Yogic Asana                                       *Internal Alchemy

*I-Ching Divination                            *Nature Connection                           *Tonic Herbs  

*Feng Shui                                           *Embracing Oneness                           *…and more

(General Life Balance)


*Relationship Harmony

*Work-Life Harmony

*Health Maintenance

*Psychological Stability

*Dietary Balance

*Conscious Living

*Natural Lifestyle



*Tonic Herbs


*Nature Connection

*…and more


(Self-Cultivation and Inner Development)


*How to Use Crystals                        

*Crystal Alchemy

*Gemstones and Crystals for Healing

*Daily Crystal Practice

*Meditation and Spirituality

*Movement Arts

*Chi Cultivation

*Breathing Consciously

*Yogic Asana

*Internal Alchemy

*I-Ching Divination

*Nature Connection

*Tonic Herbs

*Feng Shui

*Embracing Oneness

*…and more

Book Spiritual Coach Consultations and Training Online

Are you ready for individualized guidance, training and coaching sessions from us? Book online consultation sessions by following these steps…


  1. Make sure you are registered for any of our accounts and are currently logged in.  The booking form will not appear unless you are logged in.
  2. Check the calendar on this page to see our current availability and find a time you would like to book. Each time slot on the calendar is for 30 minutes of time. So if you want a one hour session for example, you need to make sure 2 back-to-back time slots are available on the calendar at the time you like.
  3. Using the ticket purchase form on this page, select and purchase the number of tickets you need for every 30 minutes of time, after you have confirmed the slots are available. (Please note in general tickets are non-refundable. Please ask first if you have questions using the link below this form.)
  4. Read the terms and conditions at the top of this page (red – white button) and confirm you agree with them.
  5. After you purchase the tickets, come back to this page and use the booking calendar here to book your consultation session. Fill out the form and submit your booking.

You must be logged in to see and use the booking form on this page!

Any Questions?