** PLEASE READ –  The following guide on how to cleanse crystals energetically is given as a service and is for information purposes only.  All crystal washings, energetic cleansings and chargings are to be done at your own discretion. Due to the wide range of variables that can affect the appearance and structure of a crystal, we accept no responsibility for any damage that may occur during any of these processes. However, we will always guide you as safely and effectively as we can and to the best of our knowledge and experience.


A Guide on How to Cleanse Crystals and Their Energetic Maintenance.

By OneOriginStarseed


In life, perhaps it can be said that balance is the most important principal one could follow to maintain longevity, happiness, health and success.  As the co-creator of one’s endless journey alongside Mother Nature, she has given us many natural treasures that if treated with respect and reverence, can assist us in countless ways on our path.

One of these gifts of course, are natural crystals and gemstones which can be wonderful allies throughout one’s life journey. Compared to other natural empowering and healing substances such as herbs, crystal have the added benefit of being a seemingly inexhaustible source of support that does not run out or constantly need to be re-purchased, resourced or restocked.  If care and a few basic principles are upheld, your crystal allies will be there with you and functioning optimally for many years to come.

The cycles and energies of nature show us the many ways in which life constantly renews and revitalizes itself. Although some aspects of nature appear to effortlessly exude an inexhaustible source of energy, upon closer observation and looking at the bigger picture, we often realize that nature follows its own process of energy cultivation to achieve constant revival and renewal throughout every energetic phase and transition it goes through. In other words, the balance of energy and harmonization of elements is the wellspring of her power.

The proper care and maintenance of crystals is no different. Crystals require energetic cleansing and charging periodically if the power of their natural state and energetic properties are to be maintained.

That being said, with just a small amount of regular attention, one can ensure your crystals stay happy and in a balanced state of optimal performance for a very long time.

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The Physical Cleansing of Your Crystals and Gemstones

Like most objects, with regular use and handling, your crystals will get a little dirty or acquire a film or greasy buildup. A periodic physical cleansing will ensure they maintain their natural beauty. In this regard, there are some things that need to be kept in mind and observed.

The safest and most common ways to physically clean most crystals are either with plain water or with a soft, clean and dry brush. Cleaning agents and soaps are not generally recommended, however a safe and mild natural soap may be acceptable if the crystal is safe to wash with water.


Washing your crystals and gemstones to physically clean them

The first question you need to ask yourself is…

Are my crystals safe to wash or soak in water?

This is important!

The general rule is:

It can usually be said that most crystals with a hardness of 5 or higher on MOHS, are water safe at least for a brief time

The Mohs Scale of Hardness is used to help identify minerals and to measure their hardness and how resistant they are to scratch and abrasion.  The scale is from 1 to 10 and each mineral is graded a number on that scale.  There are some exceptions so please look at the detailed individual information given in order to find out more about a specific crystal. 


Wondering what is the MOHS rating for your crystal?

We have created a resource for your reference which is available free of charge here: https://oneoriginstarseed.com/crystal-properties/

Please find the individual crystal in question and click on it to scroll down and find the MOHS number as well as whether it is washable or not.

Even crystals softer than a 5 on Mohs can sometimes be washed with water if the washing is done quickly and the gemstone is dried immediately afterwards. If doing so, please do it quickly and with care. But before doing this, please check out the crystal resource given above for more information on each individual crystal.


** Please be aware that soaking crystals in water for an extended time often will cause damage to the physical appearance and maybe even the physical structure of many types of crystals. This may even be true for the ones that have a rather high number on MOHS. Due to this, we don’t recommend soaking your crystals in water. But you are free to experiment at your own discretion.


** Please be aware that although many crystals are safe to wash in water, if the water is salted however then many of these crystals may still get damaged to some degree.  Although many recommend salt water for the energetic cleansing of crystals, it may be best to avoid salted water for the physical cleansing of your crystals, if you want to maintain its physical beauty. But again, you are free to experiment at your own discretion.


** Please be advised that there is a chemical cocktail in most tap water that could unpredictably damage certain crystal types even if the gemstone in question is supposed to be water-safe.  Please try to use filtered or purified water when cleansing your crystals to avoid any unwanted surprises.


Using a Soft Brush to Physically Cleanse Your Crystals and Gemstones

Although it is not the most effective way to get your crystals sparkly clean, for some soft crystals and minerals that have acquired dust or light soiling, using a soft clean brush may be a valid option. In this case, find a clean dry brush with soft bristles and gently use it to clean dirt and debris from your crystals. This is usually a safe option for almost all crystals and gemstones, but will not be able to remove many types of soiling that could build up on the stones with regular usage. Although, for many softer minerals for which water contact is damaging, this may be the only option in such case.


The Energetic Cleansing of Your Crystals and Gemstones

Introduction to Energetic Cleansing:

A term such as “Energetic Cleansing”, even a short number of years ago would have evoked criticism from both the general scientific community as well as the general public at large. However, modern science is quickly catching up day by day to discover and prove much of what ancient cultures on this planet have already known and lived for thousands of years.

Modern physics have proven that all of creation is a big sea of energy which vibrates at different rates and frequencies, and in turn gives us differing states of matter and form. The study of chemistry and physics in modern times has shown us that when two forms of energy come in contact with each other, there is almost always an exchange of energy to some degree as well as a change or transformation in the energy composition of both as a consequence. Simply stated, everything on the physical plane has a kind of energy signature which can influence or be influenced by the energy signatures of other life forms and by forms of matter.

To illustrate this point let us use as an example. The most vital and important ingredient for life on this planet is undeniably, WATER. The surface of the Earth itself is said to be made up of about 71% water. In contrast, the human body is said to be comprised of about 60% water and its blood is said to be made up of 90% water. To say that water is an extremely vital ingredient for life on this planet to continue to thrive, is an understatement.

For years, humans have viewed water as a kind of commodity with which we can manipulate as we will for our own use and gain. On the other hand, ancient cultures have been collectively seen worshipping water as a living entity itself since time immemorial.

Since antiquity, Water was seen by ancient cultures to have its own spirit and consciousness. In recent times it has been shown that the same body of water will respond in different ways to two different people who approach it in the same way. Also, experiments have been extensively done to illustrate that water is a kind of liquid computer that has a remarkable sense of memory. This capacity of water to “remember”, can have an effect on other forms of life it comes in contact with.

For example, a recent study in India had two separate rooms with a container of water in each. In one of those rooms, people were sent who were angry, sad, confrontational etc. To the other room people were sent who were happy, loving, joyous etc. Later the water from each room was used in various ways such as to water plants or as drinking water for people. It was clearly shown that many people didn’t feel well or got sick from the negative energy water and also plants wilted or died that were given this water. The reverse was shown with the water which marinated in the positive environment.

To this day, in many parts of India, water is still worshipped, decorated with flowers etc. for some time before drinking it. Although many will still oppose and deny such an idea, the truth is that in modern times many scientific studies have proven that water does indeed have memory.


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So it has been shown that water can “remember” patterns of energy it comes in contact with and in turn influence other forms of energy it comes in contact with. Water with a buildup memory of what we as people would label as negativity, has been shown to be able to be energetically cleansed in several ways. One such way for example is repeated exposure to environments with a significant amount of gentle energy forms in it.

The previous illustration of the memory and conscious capacity of water is to expand our awareness that life exists in all things, not just animate creatures alone as was once commonly believed. By becoming aware of this, we realize that all forms of energy in existence, not only have their own vibrational energy signature but continuously influence, and in turn are influenced by other patterns of energy from both the physical and non-physical.  This is shown to be equally true also for both animate creatures and for inanimate objects. The degree to which this is true varies with the individual life form or object, but by becoming aware of this, it expands our consciousness into a world much larger than we had ever dreamed of. That world is merely an expanded view of the one we already know and live in.


What does it mean to “Energetically Cleanse” a crystal or gemstone?

As illustrated in the above example with water, we can see that the energy signature of both people and objects can be influenced and changed. Some energy patterns can be beneficial and nurturing for some forms of life, but other energy patterns can be damaging and harmful. A simple article of clothing worn by a person in a negative state of mind has been shown to carry a portion of that energy signature with it and is able to potentially influence another person who may wear it after that.

Crystals in this regard are no different, and have actually exhibited an amazing capacity to conduct, amplify, influence, emit, harmonize and even transform patterns of energy with which it comes in contact with. Several crystals such as clear quartz have been shown to remember the patterns of energy of those in its possession as well as from its surrounding environment.

With this understanding, it only makes sense to keep these gifts from nature as energetically pure as possible. With some simple practices, this can be achieved relatively easily. As powerful tools and enhancers of our life and health, optimal performance can only be expected from those crystals and gemstones which are respectfully and consciously maintained and cared for. One would expect no less from a car, computer, appliance etc. If it is cared for and cleaned regularly then usually a long life with optimal performance is the result.  

Just think of an empty room or a bag. Its value and usefulness lie in the emptiness of its structure. If it is filled up with all kinds of things and becomes very dirty, no one will want to use it anymore as its usefulness will have been exhausted. If we clean it well and empty it of its content, then it will once again become useful. In this light, crystals can be looked at with a similar kind of understanding.

So yes, crystals can be immensely beneficial and useful in manifesting the kind of life we want to create. However, at least a minimal amount of care, attention and effort must be maintained. Fortunately, energetic cleansing is most often simple and easy to maintain with a few conscious habits. It can be learned quickly and easily by most anyone.

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How can I energetically cleanse my crystals and gemstones?

There are several ways crystals and gemstones may be energetically cleansed. We will share with you the most effective and safest methods that we feel will serve the larger community as a whole in the most efficient and easiest manner. In addition, there are several more extensive and complicated practices out there which anyone is free to research, study and practice if they are interested.

Please remember that the power of your intention is important when working with energy practices. If you want to energetically cleanse your crystals and gemstones, the first step it to be clear with your intention. Before the cleanse, say to yourself, “I intend to cleanse my crystals energetically with this method”. This is an important first step that should not be overlooked. Energy follows both your attention and movement of your mind so clarity and focus are very important.

Recommended Methods to Energetically Cleanse a Crystal

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1)  Selenite Charging Plate & Singing Bowl – Home Energetic Cleansing Area 

Selenite is seen as having a rather high vibrational frequency.  Negative and gross energy on the other hand vibrates at a lower frequency. So, bringing something with a negative energetic buildup in contact with something that vibrates at a high frequency will correct and reorganize its energetic signature.

Some believe Selenite never needs charging or cleansing, whereas others believe it still needs to be energetically cleansed from time to time. Either way, it seems clear that Selenite has the wonderful ability to clean and clear energetic buildups on other crystals. All one needs to do is rest their crystals on the Selenite overnight or preferably for at least 24 hours in order to let it do its work.

Selenite is available in many forms. There are plates, slabs, bowls, towers, cylinders, chips, etc. We recommend a Selenite slab / plate or a large Selenite bowl for convenience and ease of use. See our tools and accessories section for availability. https://oneoriginstarseed.com/gncd-tools-and-accessories/

The singing bowl has a long history dating back over 5000 years since the time of the most recent Buddha Siddhartha Gautama who incorporated their use in his sangha. You will also see several religious groups and spiritual practitioners making use of singing bowls, bells and similar types of instruments that produce sound at a similar frequency.

In addition to this, it can be seen traditionally throughout history that a bell or singing bowl is commonly used in situations requiring the clearing away of negative energy, calamity, ghosts and malevolent spirits. Even if you believe in none of those things, it is clear to see how calming and relaxing the effect the sound of a singing bowl has on the human system and the body.

In modern times, science has discovered that a singing bowl or bell actually changes the frequency of the brainwaves of both people and animals into a more harmonious rhythm. The discovery of this has encouraged the rapid growth of their use for healing practices and for those who wish to go into deep meditation.

Having a Tibetan singing bowl on hand to energetically clean and purify your crystals and gemstones is definitely a good idea. When used in combination with the selenite plates, you will have a very convenient crystal energetic cleansing station set up in your home. Both the selenite and the singing bowl work to keep the vibration of the space clean and clear. When used habitually, you will no longer need to worry about the buildup of negative energy on your crystals and perhaps even in your home.

How to setup the Selenite & Singing Bowl cleansing station?

Simply find a calm and quiet spot in your home and set up a nice cloth made of natural fibers and place the singing bowl in the center of that space. Arrange the Selenite plates around it as you like. When your crystals are not in use, place them on the selenite plates. Make a habit of gently striking the singing bowl throughout the day and calmly listen to its vibrations. If you make a habit of this, then you will have successfully set up an energetic cleansing station in your home. Try to keep this corner organized, clean and sacred, and it will serve both you and your living space in many ways beyond just keeping your crystals purified.

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2)  Bring Your Crystals into the Shower or Bath with You

Those who have even a bit of cultivated sensitivity can easily attest that crystals and gemstones create magic when they come in contact with water. Have you ever felt emotionally or physically down and then jumped in the shower and it completely changed your mood and gave you a boost? Well, water has the power to do that and more to your crystals.

The use of water to energetically cleanse and purify healing crystals and gemstones is one of the most common methods in practice. If your crystals are water-safe, then bringing them into the shower or bath with you will reduce the energetic buildup on them to a considerable degree in a short time. At the same time, water has the tendency to boost or activate the effects of your crystals and create a mini-healing session while you are taking your bath or shower. It’s a fun and rewarding practice to do whenever you like. Just make sure your crystals are water safe. (Please see the link below)

The down side of this is your bath or shower session, may not be long enough to thoroughly purify the accumulated energy build-up on your crystals sometimes. So please use this in combination with more thorough and deep cleansing techniques such as the selenite slab and singing bowl method or burying the crystals in the Earth.

It is important to know if your crystals and gemstones are safe in water. So please check our free resource first before jumping in the bath or shower with your crystals. https://oneoriginstarseed.com/crystal-properties/ 

It is also worthwhile to note that the water from the tap can sometimes contain chemicals that may damage the appearance of certain crystals. Although this may not be that common, please be advised that it is a possibility. Your safest bet is to get a filter for your bath or shower to remove chemicals from the water. Both your crystals and your body will thank you for it!

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3)  Give Your Crystals a Sun-Bath

The Sun is our closest star and is also the main source of energy in our solar system. It is the wellspring of life on our planet and for sure it will, without a doubt, do an excellent job of not only cleansing your crystals and gemstones, but also of infusing them with extra energy if your crystal type has that capacity.

To clean the energy buildup on your crystals simply place those of them that are sun-safe in direct sunlight for an extended period of time. Even an hour will have an effect, but the longer the better if deep-cleansing is required. All day outside in direct sunlight is ideal and 2-3 days is even better.

It is important to know if your crystals and gemstones are safe in direct sunlight. Some may fade or be damaged by the sunlight, so please check our free resource first before putting them out in the sun. https://oneoriginstarseed.com/crystal-properties/

Also, note that putting your crystals and gemstones outside in direct sunlight or on the windowsill of an open window is most ideal. Most windows nowadays are made to filter out UV and other aspects of sunlight so when possible put them in pure unfiltered sunlight.

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4)  Bury Your Crystals and Gemstones in the Earth

Mother Earth is THE definition of a natural healer. She sets the example for balanced physical existence on this planet. Those life forms which line up and harmonize with her are supported, while those that violate her natural order do not last very long. Anything her children do which is not beneficial for the greater balance of all life on the planet is re-balanced and re-harmonized by her grace without failure.

Since your crystals and gemstones are products of Mother Earth, one of the easiest ways to restore their original unstained potency is to bring them back into contact with her for a while. Really this can be done in numerous ways, but one of the most effective ways is to find a safe and quiet spot where the ground can be dug a little and where no one will disturb your crystals. Dig a small hole at least about 0.5 meters (or 1 foot) deep into the soil. Place the crystals and gemstones you wish to energetically cleanse into a paper bag and wrap them with a cotton or hemp rope. Alternatively, you can put your crystals directly into the hole with no wrapping but your crystals will get dirty so be sure they are safe for washing afterwards. Put this into the hole and fill the hole up with soil. Leave them there for 1 to 7 days and then dig them up and they will be fresh and ready for use.

This is a very reliable method of energetic cleansing, but you need to make sure your crystals will not be disturbed. Also there is risk of certain crystals getting damaged by rain water, so make sure to keep them dry if they are water-sensitive. An option is to use a plastic bag or ziplock bag to keep them dry. However, plastic has been known to retard or restrict the flow of energy in nature and is also not the most eco-friendly substance to put into the Earth even for a short time. Please weigh your options and find a solution that works best for you.

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5)  Use The Elemental Power of Nature to Rebalance Your Crystals

The correct balance of energy is always determined by Mother Nature and her elements. It is the natural process of nature to continually rebalance, revitalize and renew everything in physical existence. This subtle balance is what makes nature endure eternally. Nothing is ever completely lost or destroyed but exists for some time in a certain form and then transforms to a different state when the elemental balance shifts. The easiest understanding of this is the cycle of the seasons. Has the spring ever failed to return after winter?

In most cases, one only needs direct exposure to her elements for a certain amount of time, and the energy signatures of all in contact with her will naturally correct and realign themselves. This is not a fanciful belief but is a living reality for all those who take the time to pay attention to the exchange and transformation of energy in nature.

Doubt concerning energy rebalancing can usually be cleared up with a simple experiment. Whenever you are not feeling too well either physically, emotionally or psychologically, find a spot in nature on a grass lawn or on a sandy beach or a rock on a mountain etc. Lay down on the Earth for an hour or so and relax into her and breathe consciously. This practice alone has cured many serious physical and psychological diseases for millions of people around the world. Plugging back into the source will rebalance, recharge and revitalize the system on many levels. Recent branding has called a similar practice as “Earthing”.

When we mess up the gifts Mother Nature has given us, then all we need to do is give it back to her and she will rebalance it. It’s like bringing a product back to the manufacturer rather than try to fix it ourselves. Natures power to rebalance and recharge is unsurpassed and reigns supreme over anything else. The very definition of artificial should be “That which was done without the approval of Mother Nature”. Humans may be quite smart, but the truth is that none of us has vision wide enough to see the complete picture, hence most of our efforts to take over Mother Natures job are in vain.

With this understanding we move forward to use the power of nature to rebalance our gemstones and crystals. The following is a limited set of examples, but since nature herself is unlimited, this list is far from complete.

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Using the Power of Naturally Running Water to Purify

First make sure that your crystals are water safe. You may also need to make sure they are salt safe if you will be exposing them to salt water. Next, find a place with running water such as a stream, ocean, waterfall, etc. Hold the crystal or gemstone in the movement of the water for some time to receive benefit and energetic cleansing. If deeper cleansing is required then this method may not be enough unless you can find a way to safely keep the crystals submerged for an extended time. However, just a brief contact with naturally flowing water will undoubtedly bring some level of benefit to your crystals.

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Expose Your Crystals and Gemstones to the Mysterious Power of the Moon

Giving your crystals a night or more of exposure to moonlight will not only clear them of negative buildups but will also infuse them with a unique energy signature that will enhance the effects of the crystals. This is especially true for certain crystals like Selenite and Moonstone.

The most powerful time for sure to energetically cleanse your crystals by moonlight is during the full moon. It is recommended to take advantage of the light of the full moon every month. While the day of the full moon itself is the most powerful. A few of days before and a day or two after the full moon are also quite effective. This is your best choice however; the next best choice is anytime between the waxing gibbous and the full moon. Besides the days mentioned, it is best to avoid trying to use moonlight that is during the period of time after the full moon and leading up to the new moon as its energies are in decline at that time. Also, the time just after the new moon and leading up to the waxing gibbous is ok, but generally the energy of the moon is seen as being too young and weak yet to be used effectively.

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Give Your Crystals and Gemstones a Wind Bath

It may be hard to imagine that the wind could have any effect at all, but there is a definite energetic cleansing and rebalancing effect which is brought about by the movement of the wind. This can be harnessed for the advantage and benefit of your crystals.

On a windy day, put your crystals outside in a secure spot and expose them to the play of the wind for several hours or as long as the wind lasts.

To have an understanding of the effect of the wind please think back to a windy day you have experienced. How did you feel before stepping outside on a windy day. Then when you finally get back inside after being exposed to the wind, how did you feel? A wind bath can have the powerful effect of breaking up stagnant energy in our energetic makeup, especially when it comes to our emotions, psychology and energy level.

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Use the Ancient Tribal Practice of Smudging with Herbs to Cleanse Your Crystals Energetically

Tribal cultures such as those from the Native Americas have long used smudging as a way to purify places, objects and even people. Many crystal healers believe this to be one of the most powerful ways to energetically cleanse a crystal.

  1. First get yourself a small bundle of smudging herbs. Native Americans typically use Desert Sage, White Sage, Cedar, Sweetgrass and Lavender most commonly. These can be found conveniently bundled and sold as smudging sticks.
  2. Get an abalone shell or a safe dish made from hard natural material. The abalone shell is the traditional method because it is believed to give some type of elemental connection.
  3. Go to a nice outdoor location exposed to nature or do it in a well-ventilated room.
  4. Light the dried herbal bundle on one end until it is significantly lit and is giving off a lot of smoke. Then put it into the shell or dish.
  5. Traditionally, a feather is used to fan the smoke onto things and people but if you don’t have it then use your hand.
  6. First smoke yourself from head to toe, front and back.
  7. If in a room, go to each of the 4 corners to smoke them a bit and then do the doorway.
  8. Then smoke the crystals by moving the shell or dish all around the crystals and fanning the smoke onto them with the feather or hand. You can hold a crystal in your right hand and smoking dish in your left and manually cleanse each one individually. Or you can smoke several of your crystals at once. Do this for about a minute or two for each batch.
  9. Have some sand, dirt or ash ready and when you are finished, extinguish the smoking smudge stick in it.
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Putting Your Crystals and Gemstones Under the Stars on a Clear Night

The magic and sheer power of the night sky cannot be understated. For enhancement and purification of your crystals and gemstones, one need only bring them outside and place them in a safe place on a night when the sky is clear and the stars are plenty. The more stars visible the better, and the higher the altitude also the better however the latter is not a requirement. Visible exposure to the Milky Way, Polaris or the Big Dipper is most ideal. Leave them out for as long as you can and do as often as this is possible. This method of purification also has a specific enhancing effect on your crystals which is not seen with other methods.

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Using the Outgrowths of Nature to Rebalance Your Crystals and Gemstones

Basically, any biological product of nature that is still alive and has life running through it can be used to reharmonize an energy signature that has become unbalanced. You can put your crystals and gemstones directly on, immersed in or in contact with a tree, plants, flowers, fruit, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables etc. etc. etc. If it is alive and its energy seems strong then it can potentially be used for purification.  However, please note it is not recommended to use anything that is dying, wilting, sick or in an obvious state of decline.

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Let the Natural Cleansing Properties of Some Other Crystals Purify Your Gemstones

Some crystals and gemstones are well-known for having such a strong and harmonizing energy signature of their own that they are used to energetically cleanse and enhance other crystals and gemstones. We have already discussed Selenite above, but others include: Clear Quartz, Kyanite (especially Blue Kyanite), Citrine and Carnelian.

Any shape or form of these will do, but the most favorable would be using them in their natural state. For example, if you use clear quartz then a large natural quartz cluster is very nice and preferable. But again, if you don’t have it in its natural form then polished or other cut forms would be fine usually.

There are those that believe these crystals can be used to cleanse other crystals, but they themselves never need cleansing. We recommend however that if you use any of these as energetic cleansing agents, please still clean them also periodically.

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Charging Your Crystals to Amplify Their Properties:

In addition to energetic cleansing, it appears crystals can receive an energy boost or an enhancement of their energy after coming in contact with nature or other crystals. The exact effects and enhancements are hard to doctrinate into words but can be discovered with sensitivity or intuition. The main way that crystals and gemstones are charged with extra energy is from sunlight. Especially a crystal like clear quartz can hold a buildup of energy it receives directly from the sun. If using the sun to charge and enhance your crystals, just be sure to make sure your crystal is safe in the sun or it may fade or crack.

Other ways a gemstone or crystal can be enhanced and receive an additional energetic charge is when they come in contact with water, moonlight, starlight, and certain other types of crystals and gemstones. Also, charging and enhancement can happen if they are brought to a sacred space, a mountaintop or some other place with a high vibrational frequency.  Be conscious of how your crystal and gemstone feels in your hand before and compare it after exposure to one or more of the above listed catalysts. We wish you many blessings on your life journey into the natural unfoldment and discovery of the magical world of crystals.